Tuesday, September 29, 2009


That episode of The Office is on where Jim and Pam fool Dwight into thinking he's being recruited by the CIA, so they lure him to the rooftop for a chopper pick-up, and then text him and convince him to throw away his cell phone. Then Michael accidentally leaks the half-nude picture of his secret girlfriend, Jan, from their vacation in Jamaica, to the entire
packaging section of the company. This shit is brilliant.

I don't know why I love this show so much, but I do. And it's not just the Jim and Pam thing, but believe me, that sure as hell helps. Jim Halpert is pretty much television hubby perfection.

I didn't always enjoy television this much. For a couple years of college, I paid little to no attention to it. And as a kid, my mom wouldn't even let us watch most stuff. The Simpsons? Nope. And our hours were limited, too.
I didn't care at all. What I wanted that time for was reading. I'd get the year's lists of required books and have them all under my belt by September. I had every book at the Chula Vista Public Library read by the time I was 15... and that even counts the dime novels I'd sneak off to read just to check out the sex scenes. What? I was curious. Sorry, mom.

My mother once walked into the bathroom to find me taking a shower with one arm sticking out of the water - reading a book. It's just how I rolled. I plotted and schemed, hiding flashlights under the bed so that once I was tucked in, I could get back to the business at hand. If there were no flashlights, I'd stand under the hallway light under I was too tired to be on my feet. I'd skip homework, ditch friends, and yea, I know - it makes me seem like a loser. Maybe I was. But it was the best thing ever.

And now, I read, but not enough, and I've definitely developed an obsession with certain TV shows. 30 Rock, No Reservations, TLC medical mini-documentaries, Law & Order, 60 Minutes. Well, 60 Minutes doesn't count because I want to work there. The rest are likely ridiculous and unneccesary. But then I listen to the reverence in people's voices when they discuss the classics; Seinfeld, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Arrested Development. Friends! Saved By the Bell! Old sitcoms, old dramas. That's art too, you know? It just takes a different form.

Maybe someday I'll get back to reading, but for now, I'm just gonna cuddle up with my honey and my dumbass cat, and watch Tool Academy and make fun of how stupid people can really be while mixing their cliches. I get a kick out of it - so there.

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