Friday, October 9, 2009

Vegas Weekend

It started out as a delightful way to celebrate my birthday, and now? It appears to be complete and utter madness, and I'm kind of loving it. Friends are inviting friends, and bloggers are inviting bloggers, and somehow, my birthday weekend is turning into the opportunity to meet about a hundred people who seem pretty awesome. And THAT is awesome. I'm looking forward to complete and utter debauchery... it's not really my style, but I'm turning 27, and I deserve a little lack of inhibition, yes? If YOU'D like to come, the more the merrier!

Monday, October 5, 2009

I am the Walrus. I am also delusional, and on cold medicine.

I'm sick for the first time in a very, very long time. Diligent sanitizing and desk-cleaning didn't manage to ward off whatever bug has invaded my head - and I do mean invaded. It controls my breath and pops my ears and manages every little system that allows me to function.

Whenever I get sick, it makes me feel the most homesick. I want to be back home, 14 years old, getting the day off of school and being brought toast with cream cheese and homemade jam by my mom, along with hot tea, in bed. There's a feeling of comfort and care that memory brings me that nothing else quite measures up to. And then dad gets home in the evening and kisses me on the forehead and asks how I'm feeling, and clucks sympathetically when I say "not good." The sympathetic clucks were the best.

Now being sick just means being... alone, which is so unfair. There should be a place where you can go see all of other sick people, and you get grouped into categories depending on what you have. And there should be board games, and movies, and giant pillows. Someone tucks you in when you decide to sleep. This would be ideal. Could someone please get that started? Thanks.